Monday, November 7, 2016

Saturday, Nov 04, 2016

2016年十一月四日, 星期六

Happy Halloween!

Thursday, November 3, 2016

    Saturday October 29, 2016

   Today our class continued learning about time. We divided the whole day by using: early in the morning早晨, morning 上午, noon 中午, afternoon 下午 and evening 晚上; Also we've learned time/ free time: 時間/空; things to do: 事
Together, we practice lots of time and use the words we learned before.
 Special Thanks to  Jansun and Andrew for bring Halloween candy to share with everyone

Best student for today:

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Saturday October 22, 2016

2016年十月二十二日, 星期六

Today, our class have learned lesson 13. All about the time.
 for the past, we use 昨天,前天,以前; for the future, we use 
明天,後天; for now, we use 今天;for every day, we use 每天, 天天;for day time, we use 白天. 
use your imagination to create you very own sentence and have fun!

The best learner for Today is:

